Youth Ministry

Where are you headed?

Remember when your biggest concern was which T.V. show to watch after school or what was being served for lunch? Now, it seems each day is filled with hard stuff . . . being understood, getting along with parents, standing up for God in school, searching for the right college, and homework that never ends!

Each day as you make decisions, you’re making choices for your future. Which way are you headed?

Junior Youth (Grades 6-8)

Junior Youth meet each Sunday in the community room at 9:30 AM. Students learn from the Bible, and engage in discussions about how to live and share their faith in the world. We usually take the heroes of the faith from both the Old and New Testament (David, Moses, Elijah) and learn faith lessons from their life.

Every year, there are two Bible quizzes: One is the final quiz, which is based on the Bible book that we studied throughout the year. The second is the OSL Youth Quiz, which is based on a Gospel or another book from the Bible. Trophies and rewards are presented to the winners.

We also have movie nights, play pickleball in the summer, and go out for dinner as a group. It's all about growing together in Jesus, and these Godly relationships are really important. Please contact Vicar Johniel if you have any questions or need additional information.

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In addition to the Sunday morning Bible study, our Middle school students begin their confirmation studies.

Confirmation Resources:

Please contact Pastor Randall if you are interested in beginning the confirmation journey. 


Senior Youth (Grades 9-12)

The Senior Youth Group meets each Sunday upstairs in the senior youth room at 9:30 AM. Students learn from the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism, and engage in discussions about how to live and share their faith in the world.

In addition to Sunday Bible Study, we have several fellowship opportunities throughout the year. We also attend the LCMS Youth Gathering every 3 years, which is a great opportunity for the youth to meet other Lutherans from all over the world! It's definitely a highlight for our high schoolers.

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College Students

Our Savior has many college students at a variety of colleges and universities. As a congregation, we work to love and serve our college students during their time of study, whether they are local or distant.

If you are a college student interested in a study opportunity with other college students at Our Savior, please contact Pastor Randall.

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