Parish Nurse

What is Parish Nursing?

The parish nurse is a registered nurse who is committed to - and, on a broad level, is an integral part of - this concept of health ministries. He/she works with the members of the health ministry committee or health cabinet, helping and enabling people of the congregation and the community attain, maintain and/or regain optimal health. Parish nursing is a unique blending of professional nursing and spiritual caregiving.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. -- 1 John 3:16


About Christine DiLeone, MSN, RN

Christine has been a nurse for over twenty five years and has served OSL as the Parish nurse since 2012. She is currently a professor of nursing at a local public university and a doctoral of nursing practice (DNP) student at UCONN school of nursing.

